Sunday, September 16, 2012

Trick or Treat

I really enjoyed this charming piece of Brit Chick Lit with a paranormal twist. After Lucy Diamond sees her first ghost on the tube one morning on the way to work, she promptly falls into a funny, deeply moving journey to discover her powers as a newly-minted spiritual medium with a very funny cast of characters.

As an American, I had a bit of a problem understanding much of the British slang and pop culture references made throughout the book. But perhaps this book wasn’t meant for American, Australian or Canadian readers ? I found myself wishing that I had an English BFF that I could call up and ask to explain certain phrases to me.

And to tell you the truth, I think if this book had been “cleaned up” a bit it would have lost most of it oh-so-very British charm and wouldn’t have been the lovely, atmospheric book that it was.

Highly recommended.

Rating: 9.0

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